Open-E JovianDSS Advanced Metro High Availability Cluster Feature Pack

Open-E JovianDSS Metro Cluster

Advanced Metro HA Cluster Feature Pack – Benefits

  • 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 40Gbps, 100Gbps Ethernet support for maximum speed
  • Perfect for both rack (from 12" / 30cm) and metro (up to 50 miles / 80km) clusters
  • Allows use of less expensive SATA drives
  • Easy to configure and manage
  • Compared to SAS or FibreChannel, JBODs are not required for Ethernet clusters
  • Optional use of RAID controllers

Advanced Metro High Availability Cluster Feature Pack for SMB, NFS, iSCSI and FC

Open-E JovianDSS includes failover functionality for iSCSI, FC and NFS, SMB (CIFS), enabling you to set up High Availability Load-Balanced Storage Clusters that ensure reliability and redundancy through failover in case of a server crash. By using the Open-E JovianDSS Advanced Metro High Availability Cluster Feature Pack, you can create High Availability for two server nodes with storage mirror over Ethernet using a storage at each location (Dual Storage).

Since the connection of cluster communication and data mirroring between nodes works over Ethernet, the nodes might be located far from each other as a (stretched) metro storage cluster. It can be 50 miles (80 km) in case of point to point fibre optic connection, or even more when using an additional switch between nodes - provided that network latency will not exceed 5 ms. The Feature Pack also supports configurations of the Open-E JovianDSS Standard HA Cluster Feature Pack.

NAS Failover
iSCSI Failover
Storage connection:

Only in Advanced HA Metro
Cluster Feature Pack


SAS / FC with
ATTO switches


Internal JBOD


High availability capabilities
HA cluster architecture Physical drives shared between nodes
Metro storage cluster Yes (SMB, NFS, iSCSI, FC)
Independent Virtual IPs for HA Cluster Yes
Supported SSD/HDD disks SAS, FC, SATA
Max clustered volume size Unlimited
Max clustered storage size Unlimited
Persistent Reservation Synchronization Yes
Node replacement without cluster downtime Yes

High availability architecture examples

Cluster over Ethernet deployment examples

With Open-E JovianDSS you can easily setup a Metro Cluster that best fits your individual needs, using various protocols, hardware components and virtualization platforms.

Single VIP
over Bond
Double VIP
Double VIP
over Bonds
Double VIP
Bond for mirroring

Single VIP over Bond

Bonding for NFS / SMB, single iSCSI Path

Infographic of On-site Data ProtectionLEVEL 1

Double VIP

Multipath iSCSI single NFS / SMB Path

Infographic of On-site Data ProtectionLEVEL 2

Double VIP over Bonds

Multipath iSCSI Bonding for NFS / SMB

Infographic of On-site Data Protection LEVEL 3

Double VIP

Multipath iSCSI single NFS / SMB Path, Bond for mirroring

Infographic of On-site & Off-site Data Protection

Download Advanced Metro HA Cluster PDF brochure


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